Thursday, March 22, 2012

Into Every Life

I've heard people say "now that you are a Christian, everything will be great." Such statements make me cringe. Saying the Sinner's Prayer is not like clicking one's heels three times and leaving Oz for Home. Bad things happen to good people -- even Christian people. Bad people happen to good people -- even Christian people. It's part of life. In fact, truth be told, Bad happens more often to the Christian than the non-Christian. Why? Because the Evil One wants to mess us up!

The Evil One has been trying to mess me up lately. To do so, he used some very unfriendly people who are the worst kind of Yankees. You may have run into ones like them: arrogant, rude, condescending, fast talking, I'm-better-than-you attitudes, and did I mention rude? If you live in the Little River, SC area, you may have actually met these people. They are the owners of a second-hand store called Bloomingdeals located off Hwy 9. They advertise heavily on the Myrtle Beach Craigslist. We had purchased a refrigerator from them which turned out to be in the death rattle of refrigerators. What has followed has been months of them acting like they were doing us a favor when they were not. Finally, I just wanted to end the relationship. That turned into a huge mess with them talking to me like I was dirt. After a good cry, I went and enlisted my Pastor's help to see if they would be more reasonable in the presence of a man of the cloth. Apparently, they have no respect for anyone with a southern accent, even a Pastor. With the help of my Pastor's son and another gentleman in the church, I was able to return the refrigerator to Bloomingdeals and get the money back that I originally paid but not the other $70 for repair calls I should not have been charged for. I am now refrigeratorless. But, I have the Evil One off my back. It is worth it.

Here's the thing, while the Evil One brings his minions along to try to torment us, God brings human angels along to bless us. Sometimes, they are people we already know --like my pastor, his son Tyler, and Mr. Hardy from my church. Sometimes, they are complete strangers who's kindness catches us off guard. God brought such a person into my life today. This gentleman is a retiree --probably also from north of the Mason Dixon but with a completely different attitude -- who is looking to sell his refrigerator. A very nice refrigerator. Only 5 years old and with all the bells and whistles my mother could hope for. And it is situated just two miles from our house. He spoke words of encouragement to me this morning as we discussed refrigerators and mean people. He spoke kindness and more encouragement to me this afternoon. He is accepting partial payment now (whenever we can catch each other over the next few days) and the rest next week. "It's fine, Tina, don't you fret." He said. And all I could do was pray for God's blessings on him. And cry - this time happy thankful tears. An angel in disguise? Possibly!

Good and bad. It happens. There isn't any avoiding it. When we are in the middle of the bad or dealing with bad people who attack our value as a person, it is easy to think that God has forsaken us or is punishing us for something. It can seem like the world is falling apart around us. In those times, remember to look up to where our help comes from -- it comes from the Lord! He does not forsake His children and any trials He allows us to walk through are intended for our good, not our destruction!

The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. Matthew 12:35
 I lift up my eyes to the hills--where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Agenda 21 & Man's Place in Nature

There are those who think Man is on the same level as any other mammal within an ecosystem controlled by "Nature" and that all lifeforms--be it rabbits or whales or Man--are the same. If that were the case, then Man is free to do as Man pleases without consideration of other lifeforms because the Law of Nature is self-preservation. You don't see other mammals limiting their predation or consumption or reproduction based on the "collective good of all creatures".

There are others who think Man is supreme and as such free to destroy the world to suit his needs. He only will succeed in destroying himself in the end. (And, I've read the end of the book and the END is not pretty -- but thankfully there is a New Beginning!)

Then, there are those, of whom I'm one, who believes that Nature was created by God Almighty and that God gave Man dominion over nature. Dominion does not mean "free to destroy" but rather stewardship. I do not worship Nature but rather the Creator of nature and in His Name I steward the earth and it's creatures. I do
not consider other creatures to be on the same level as myself because the scriptures say they are not. I do consider it my duty to be humane in my treatment of them. If I act to preserve the earth and it's ecosystems so that I benefit, "nature" will benefit as well because our mutual good comes from that proper stewardship. So, being "above" does not make me free to destroy but rather responsible to care for and preserve.