Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Face of an Angel

"Now Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people.....All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel."

Stephen was the first of seven chosen as deacons whose job it was to make sure food was distributed fairly. That might seem like a lowly job for someone known to be "full of God's power" but quite the opposite. No job should be beneath us. Stephen not only served tables but he moved in power and grace and miraculous signs. Who else is said to have appeared to have "the face of an angel"?

Today's Reading: Matt 6; Gen 6; Rom 6; 2 Thess 1; Job 6; Ps 6; Prv 6; Jsh 6; Isa 6 ; Acts 6

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