It is a sad fact that today amongst those professing to be Christians, immorality reigns. Those of the Body of Christ behave as immorally as those still belong to Satan. They are sexually immoral, having sex without marriage or as adulterers and dare to suggest it is acceptable in the eyes of God because the Church is silent. To the Christians of Corinth, Paul wrote that while they are still to be sharing the Gospel with those unsaved neighbors, they should not be associating with professing believers who continued in their immorality. It is true, scripture says, that we are not to judge those who are not Christ's flesh. But, we are to judge each other and disassociate from any believer who is living immorally. Why? Because if we appear to approve of their immorality, they will continue to be lost in their sins and as a result burn for eternity. It is necessary for us to make clear their dire situation in order to allow them to find their way back to a right standing with their Savior.
Our attitude is not to be one of superiority but rather of grave concern. Our pray should be for their restoration and salvation. We must encourage one another to continue to work out of salvation with fear and trembling.
I Cor 5:11
But now I am writing you that you must not associate with
anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an
idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do
not even eat.
Today's Reading: Matt 21; Gen 21; 1 Cor 5; Titus 3; Job 21; Psalm 21; Prov 21; Josh 21; Isa 21; Acts 21 AND Psalm 119:137-176 and Psalm 119
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