Funerals. If the Lord tarries, we will all have one. Sometimes, I wonder what folks will say about me at mine. I'd hope that at my funeral people will comment on such things
as: “she was a bit of a know-it-all but she was also very compassionate” or
“she had an opinion about everything but she was always willing to give from
her garden or chicken coop to anyone who was hungry or listen to someone who
needed a caring ear” or “she had a bunch of yappy dogs but she also had a place
for a lonely human to sleep in out of the weather and a kind generous heart.” I
hope folks will celebrate the good and laugh about the negative.
What's even more important, though, is what will Jesus say about me when I stand before Him? I sure hope to see a smile on His
face. I would love to hear Him say something like, “girl, you are one stubborn
lady but you done good”. Then, I imagine, He’ll take me to the Father and tell the Father
something like, “She came close to breaking under persecution, but she held
tight to My hand. The tears she cried on the school bus and in her bed at night
I took and made a beautiful dancing fountain. She struggled with the fasting
thing but she kept trying. We communed together as she read the scriptures and
prayed. And, oh, did you see her dance and sing in worship? Scoffers might have
ridiculed but she was beautiful wasn’t she!
At least, that’s what I hope happens. I mess up a lot. I
could list so many ways that I’ve tried and failed to do what “I should”. Every
time I set my mind to try again, those are the weapons that come against
me….the age old echo of countless failures. But, as I’m sure you’ve heard it
said, it’s not how many times you fall that matters but rather how many times
you get back up. We are only a failure if we don’t persistently get back up.
So, I’m getting back up.
What do you hope will be said about you?
Reading today: Matt 2; Gen 2; Rom 2; 1 Thess 2; Job 2; Ps 2; Prv 2; Jsh 2; Isa 2; Ac2 (And, in Family Bible Study, the book of James.)
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